in PHP

PHP and Symfony certification study guides

This post is a collection of useful links I found to become a better php professional. There is no other aim to have it available for me to check it when I have spare time so it’s not proper written and documented. I write this, by this I mean this blog, as an open public notebook where people can learn, correct and give me and others some tips.

If you are learning PHP or improving your knowledge, you can found this post quiet interesting. 

Zend Certified Engineer

This Certification is language focus and you should know PHP inside out to pass the exam. Check all topics covered on zend website you can check all topics.  There is also other Zend certifications that may be useful for you: Zend 2 Certificated Architect but this is focused on Zend Framework and I’m not going to focus on that here.



Lornajane ZCE collection:

Sensiolabs Certified Developer

This certification is focused on Symfony framework and ecosystem. Check all the topics on


Other interesting documentation

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  1. Great resource, thanks Albert! Do you think it is worthwhile to get these professional certifications and how would you rate them in difficulty?

    • I’m adding it right now to the post. I have another book for my reading list!
