About me

Hello, I’m Albert.

Based in the beautiful Scotland I like to spend my time drinking coffee, cooking and going out with my motorbike.

I start my first website in 1995 with my father, both of us learn how to code and build websites together and been coding since then.

During the day I like to research problems and provide innovative solutions, most of the time using technology.

This is a list of what I do best, but not limited to:

  • Task automation and integrations
  • Prototyping your idea
  • Image and video processing
  • API Development
  • AWS Serverless (Lambda, SNS, SQS, DynamoDB/RDS, etc)
  • Infrastructure as code with Terraform. Looking at CDK now.
  • Serverless & Python
  • Data and Databases
  • PHP / Symfony

You can reach me using the following contact form: Contact form